Monday, 19 November 2012

Jerusalem Post's editorial “Hatred in Ukraine” = TOO HARSH

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Jerusalem Post's editorial “Hatred in #Ukraine” = TOO HARSH

#elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua


Too harsh

Nov. 15, 2012 … Editorial by Kyiv Post

The Jerusalem Post's editorial “Hatred in Ukraine” on Nov. 3 is off the mark with its assessment of anti-Semitism in Ukraine. “Historically, Ukrainian anti-Semitism is legend for its crudity, ferocity and intrinsicality,” the editorial started out. “The (sic) Ukraine’s reputation for ongoing racism and ever-virulent intolerance is equally well-earned.”

It condemns the Oct. 28 parliamentary election success of the nationalist Svoboda Party, whose leader Oleh Tiahnybok has made anti-Semitic remarks in the past. He now commands 37 out of 450 seats in the Verkhovna Rada.

“Svoboda’s ideological roots, however, are hardly out of sync with the country’s mainstream,” the editorial continued. “Ukraine, unfortunately, hadn’t cleansed its citizenry of endemic anti-Semitism (it) is vulgar and in-your-face – as it was before the Soviets temporarily held the genie in the bottle.”

Endemic anti-Semitism is not part of the country’s mainstream ideology today, if it ever was, at least among most Ukrainians. And the Soviets didn’t keep the genie in the bottle; rather, Josef Stalin fueled hatred and the Soviets downplayed atrocities against Jews during World War II.

And it’s not just our opinion.

Hannah Rosenthal, a U.S. State Department special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism in the former Soviet Union, said only last year:  “Ukraine’s performance has also improved over the past five years. The number of anti-Semitic acts of vandalism has decreased by more than half in 2010 ... we have witnessed a sharp decline in the publication of anti-Semitic articles, proving that we can succeed if we work together.”

Still, anti-Semitism persists in isolated incidents of violence and more commonly with hatred and discrimination. It persists in the insensitivity of government officials and regular citizens. But Jewish culture and religion have been experiencing revivals. Some of the nation’s wealthiest, most powerful and successful citizens are Jewish.

A much more insightful understanding of Jewish history in Ukraine from ex-Kyiv Post staff writer Natalia A. Feduschak’s five-part series last year on “Ukraine’s Vanquished Jews”

The part of the Holocaust that took place in Ukraine came under Nazi Germany’s occupation. Some Ukrainians took part in the extermination of Jews. Others risked their lives saving them. Ukraine was the main battleground during World War II. No nation suffered a greater loss of life. Ukrainians fought on both sides. Some nationalists fought against both sides. 

This bloodletting came only a decade after the 1932-33 Holodomor, Stalin’s policy of starving to death millions of Ukrainians to kill nationalism. Ukraine was the biggest part of what Yale historian Timothy Snyder called the bloodlands, an area that bore the brunt of Hitler and Stalin's unspeakable savagery.

Ukraine has never done a good job confronting its past crimes, let alone recording its history. But Jews are not alone in this slight. Victims of atrocities in this nation rarely get their due.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Ukraine opposition warns Yanukovich, vows to free Tymoshenko

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#Ukraine opposition warns Yanukovich, vows to free Tymoshenko,0,2799609.story

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Ukrainians document election irregularities on social media

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TechPresident: #Ukrainians document election irregularities on social media

#450en #elect_ua #450ua #вибори2012


Ukrainians Document Election Irregularities on Social Media

November 5, 2012 … BY LISA GOLDMAN

Social media played a prominent role in reporting results and irregularities in Ukraine's October 28 national elections, which were widely viewed as far from ideal in terms of a level playing field and transparency.

The Kyiv Post reports that Ukrainians took to social media platforms in droves to report violations at polling stations, with many using the hashtags #вибори2012 and #ukrainevotes, while others reported violations to, which uses the Twitter handle @sitemaidan.

Maidan was the go-to account for up-to-the-minute reports on election violations. And it was first to report on the temporary closing of polling stations in Odessa, due to some magic markers.

“Violation: 3 voting stations in Odessa report that regular pens were replaced with dissapearing ink [sic],” it reported on Twitter. By evening the organization had posted further news about the pens. “Update: invisible ink pens have been found in 49 of the 86 polling stations in the Kiev district of Odessa. See a video with these pens in a previous tweet.”

But Maidan wasn’t the only user tweeting accusations of violations. Citizens and foreign observers also took to the social network to voice their concern.

“Officially observing the elections in #Ukraine today. Reports of violations are flooding in,” tweeted Stephan Bociukiw, who, according to his profile, is an intern at Kyiv’s

Former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, recognizable for the distinctive platinum hair braids she wears pinned on top of her head, has been on a hunger strike since October 29 to protest what she says is a fraudulent election.

Reuters reports there was an opposition protest rally yesterday in central Kiev over alleged vote rigging in various districts.

Meanwhile, a report issued by the Council of Europe pulls no punches in its description of the elections, quoting monitors and observers who characterize them as lacking transparency and tilted by biased media reports.

Personal Democracy Media is grateful to the Omidyar Network for its generous support of techPresident's WeGov section.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Will Ukraine's ruling party bribe its way into controlling the new parliament?

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Experts: #Ukraine's ruling Party of Regions set to get grip on new parliament

#elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua


Ukraine ruling party set to get grip on new parliament: analysts

Nov 11, 2012 ... By Pavel Polityuk, Reuters

KYIV - Ukraine's ruling party has emerged from the fractious October 28 election well short of a simple majority, but support from communists and independents should ensure its grip on the new parliament, analysts said.

Opposition parties, who made a strong showing in an election criticized as flawed by international observers, said they would continue to regard voting in some electoral districts where they had lost as crooked.

Final figures from election authorities on Sunday showed that President Viktor Yanukovich's Regions remained the biggest party in the 450-seat parliament, gaining an overall 185 seats.

Despite international criticism and street protests by the opposition, the election's outcome is likely to be used by Yanukovich as a springboard from which to launch a second bid for presidential office in 2015.

The pro-business Regions, which is financed by wealthy industrialists, says it alone can provide stability in the former Soviet republic, a major exporter of steel and grain.

Its opponents say the jailing of his chief rival, ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, was designed to weaken political resistance during the election.

The opposition, which includes Tymoshenko's Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) party, far-right nationalists and a liberal party headed by boxing champion Vitaly Klitschko, say his rule will extend corruption and cronyism, and relations with the West will deteriorate further.

Political tension has been sharpened by the impending resumption of a second trial of Tymoshenko who is currently serving a seven-year sentence for abuse of office. The new trial, which is due to resume in the city of Kharkiv on November 13, alleges tax evasion and embezzlement.

With the communists - who normally vote for the Regions - on 32 and independents, many of whom are funded by Regions' backers, on 43 they seemed certain of a parliamentary majority of more than 225 when the assembly re-convenes next month.

But the opposition has been reshaped. Batkivshchyna took 101 seats, Klitschko's UDAR (Punch) party got 40 and Svoboda (Freedom), a Ukrainian nationalist party, had secured 37. Both UDAR and Svoboda will be newcomers to the new parliament.

"The Regions and the communists will not have any problems putting together a majority in the new parliament because most of the independents will join them," said political analyst Mikhailo Pogrebinsky.

In response to opposition rallies complaining of a crooked vote count, election authorities have announced a re-vote in five individual electoral districts - though this does not suit some in the opposition coalition since it potentially endangers some of their candidates who won in the initial round.

Tymoshenko's party on Sunday defiantly announced it did not in any case accept the election commission's figures in respect of two constituencies which had been won by independents.

"We do not regard them as people's deputies but as criminals," a Batkibshchyna statement said. "We will do everything we can to stop these people take the oath and we are convinced that a parliament, formed in this way, will not be legitimate."

Klitschko's UDAR party also kept up criticism of the election, saying in a statement that 1.5 percent of its votes had not been taking into account.

The three main opposition parties have yet to formulate a coordinated approach over whether, and under what circumstances, they will take their places in the new parliament.

(Writing By Richard Balmforth; Editing by Stephen Powell)

Sunday, 11 November 2012

UKRAINE: Examples of mass election fraud


2012 Вибори в Україні: зразки масових фальсифікацій.

Інформація прийшла від користувачів ФБ ...

Юрій Ганущак: три округи, де виявилася дуже цікава ситуація, кількість голосів поданих "за" в сумі перевищує кількість людей, які взяли участь у голосуванні. Це округи номер 41, Донецьк. Це округ номер 66 і це округ номер 93.

Перевіремо цю інформацію:

Відомості про виборців після закінчення голосування

Звідси беремо дані про "Кількість виборців, внесених до списку виборців" та дані про "Кількість виборців, які отримали виборчі бюлетені".

Далі заходимо послідовно на сторінки кожного з перерахованих округів

і акуратно по кожному округу складаємо кількість голосів ЗА (зручніше це робити в програмі exel)


41 округ Донецьк

Кількість виборців, внесених до списку виборців (на момент закінчення голосування) - 148287

Кількість виборців, які отримали виборчі бюлетені (на момент закінчення голосування) - 114001

Всього ЗА -115508

66 округ Житомирська обл

Кількість виборців, внесених до списку виборців (на момент закінчення голосування) - 171197

Кількість виборців, які отримали виборчі бюлетені (на момент закінчення голосування) - 97068

Всього ЗА -100289

93 округ Київська обл

Кількість виборців, внесених до списку виборців (на момент закінчення голосування) - 145136

Кількість виборців, які отримали виборчі бюлетені (на момент закінчення голосування) - 96190

Всього ЗА -99421

Інф-ція від Ю.Ганущака підтвердилася на 100%

Friday, 9 November 2012

Thirteen Ukrainian districts where election fraud is alleged

From Twitter @UANews4ENMedia ...

Ukraine election fraud: 13 districts … 11, 14, 20, 90, 94, 132, 183, 194, 197, 211, 214, 216, 223

This article contains is a summary of opposition leaders’ allegations of fraud in 13 single-mandate districts, based on their appeal to the Central Election Commission. The appeal was signed by the three main opposition leaders – United Opposition-Batkivshchyna’s Arseniy Yatseniuk, the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms’ Vitali Klitschko and Svoboda Party leader Oleh Tiahnybok ...

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UWC: Observer Mission Finds Falsified Election Results in Ukraine

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UWC: Observer Mission Finds Falsified Election Results in #Ukraine

#elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua

The Ukrainian World Congress reports that its observer mission identified falsified results on Ukraine's Central Election Commission website.  The UWC expressed grave concern over Ukrainian authorities' disregard for the rule of law during the election count.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

PACE official: elections in #Ukraine showed trend to increased authoritarianism

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The parliamentary elections in Ukraine demonstrated a trend towards increased authoritarianism in the country, according to the head of the election observation mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Andreas Gross [...]

#elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry attacks messengers of bad news

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If you’re a Western diplomat working in Ukraine, be warned.

Critical statements about Ukraine, even delivered in an official capacity, can result in personal retaliation from the Foreign Ministry.

Such sharp reactions have been all too common recently, particularly against foreigners who dared to criticize the Oct. 28 parliamentary elections.

#elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua

Kyiv Post: Hostile election commissioners in Ukraine suggest fraud, incompetence

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Hostile election commissioners suggest fraud, incompetence

#450en #elect_ua #450ua #вибори2012

Nov. 8, 2012 … Kyiv Post Op-ed … by Marjorie Thorpe

(Marjorie Thorpe is chairperson and a member of the board of directors for the Foundation for Free Elections)

I’ve been traveling to and have been interested in Ukraine and Ukrainian politics since 2004. I was an observer in Odessa during the October 2010 election. And of course, I am politically active at home in Arizona.

Because of my strong interest in Ukrainian politics, election observation experience, international contacts and my desire to see the people enjoy the benefits of democratic elections, I established the Foundation for Free Elections. When President Viktor Yanukovych extended his invitation to international monitoring organizations we responded, our observers were subsequently accredited by the Central Election Commission.

I monitored the vote count in Kyiv at precinct 800077 in district 211. The commissioners and particularly the deputy were hostile, aggressive and abusive toward the observers – both domestic and international. They created an atmosphere of intimidation which did not honor the invitation of their president and their behavior was an embarrassment to all decent Ukrainians.

Their absolute disregard for election law and general incompetence was shocking. At one point when my translator inquired as to why they were not following the law, the commissioners began shouting at the observers.

At the start of the vote count, the commissioners very aggressively demanded that the observers move to an area of the room from which it was nearly impossible to monitor the proceedings and counting processes. To enforce that we stay in the area, the commissioners angrily set up a metal barrier and threatened anyone who crossed it with expulsion. The situation was reminiscent of the Berlin Wall.

Ukrainian election law allows observers to observe the entire process without barriers (including metal ones) and this was one of several blatant violations of Ukrainian law by the election commission at this polling site.

A small, but interesting incident was when we asked them to introduce themselves and they told us that their identities were “government top secrets” and we didn’t need to know.  If the commissioners were abiding by Ukrainian laws and proud of their work, why do they hide their identities? This also is contrary to Ukrainian election law.

As they began sorting ballots we told them that we could not see what was going on and they responded that we didn’t need to see, but should “shut up” and listen, again they made threats of expulsion for “disturbing” their work.  This aggressive behavior is contrary to the open invitation to international observers from Yanukovych and brings shame upon the electoral process.

Article 79.8 of the law states that commissioners shall facilitate the work of election observers; the commissioners at precinct 800077, district 211 however, put great effort into obstructing our work, which created a great deal of concern over just what it was that they were trying so hard to hide.

Perhaps the most shocking was toward the end when the commission chairwoman kept disappearing behind a closed, locked door with the official election stamp and protocols. The other commissioners reacted very defensively and refused observers’ efforts to enter the room. Our repeated requests to view the protocols were ignored – also contrary to Ukrainian law.

The last one I want to mention is the way the commissioners adamantly refused to properly seal the protocols in boxes for transportation to the District Election Commission.

This is an egregious violation of Ukrainian law as well.

We brought it to their attention that the boxes were not sealed properly and they told us that they did not have enough of the official seals although I had personally seen and photographed the chairwoman carrying four green fasteners in her hand after the first two had been applied to the box containing ballots.

I mentioned this and was ignored as they continued applying white tape to the outside of one of the boxes, there was absolutely no attempt to seal other box in any way whatsoever.

Very shortly after that the chairwoman, deputy and several other commissioners literally grabbed the boxes and ran from the building, jumped into a vehicle and sped off.

An observer followed as fast as he could telling them that observers had the right to accompany the transportation of protocols to the district election commission and as the commissioners ran they shouted that we could not come with them and to find our own way if we wanted to go.

People who are honest, reputable, and have nothing to hide do not behave in this way.

In my opinion, at best they were totally ignorant of the concept of democratic elections or, at worse and probably more likely, they were blatantly corrupt, perhaps a mix of both.

New York Times: Ukraine’s Ultranationalists Show Surprising Strength at Polls

From Twitter @UANews4ENMedia ...

Likhachev: Every vote for Svoboda was a vote against the ruling government

#Ukraine #450en #elect_ua #450ua #вибори2012

Washington Post: Ukraine slides away from democracy

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A rigged parliamentary election bodes ill for democracy. In #Ukraine, election rigging began long before voting day ...

#450en #elect_ua #450ua #вибори2012

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

DEC in Drobobych: confusion, disorganization and difficulty

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Canadian enthuses about #Ukraine election observer experience #elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua

Canadian in Ukraine: observe, record & report - before, during & after

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Observing democracy in Ukraine was rewarding for this Canadian #elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua

Oct. 28th Ukraine parliamentary election results - updated

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#Ukraine election update PofR=30% Bat=25.54% UDAR=13.96% Com=13.18% Svob=10.44% #450en #elect_ua #450ua #вибори2012

Andriy Mahera of Ukraine's CEC: no repeat elections soon

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Repeat elections in troubled constituencies in #Ukraine unlikely before March #elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua

Azarov's misguided priorities as Ukraine's PM

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Azarov fails to prioritze threats to #Ukrainian democracy, esp. election fraud #elect_ua #450en #вибори2012 #450ua