Sunday, 15 December 2013


News from Ukraine via Twitter

The December 11th event during Ukraine's EuroMaidan protests was indeed exciting and historic.

In the early morning hours, peaceful patriotic protesters amassed to defend their right to demonstrate against the authoritarian and destructive Yanukovych and Party of Regions regime in Ukraine by fending off pro-regime riot police and mercenary "titushky" thugs.

If anyone out there has not yet traded in their horse & buggy for an automobile, Twitter is simply the best thing out there to keep up with breaking news from Ukraine.

1) Try this search for relevant and timely tweets …Євромайдан&src=typd&f=realtime

If you follow the right people, you will get it all.

2) Start by using these hashtags …


… and before you know it, you will be swimming in Ukraine's news, information, analysis, opinion and - yes - trash, before you know it.  With some practise, you will be able to filter out the noise and be happy that you are as up to date as you can ever hope to be.

3) Some Twitter accounts worth checking out:

John Baird = @HonJohnBaird
BBC News (World) = @BBCWorld
Yuri Bender = @YuriBender
Brian Bonner = @BSBonner
Euromaidan Lviv = @euromaidanlviv
EuroMaydan = @Euromaydan_eng
Kateryna Kruk = @Kateryna_Kruk
Taras Kuzio = @TarasKuzio
Kyiv Post = @KyivPost
John McCain = @SenJohnMcCain
Christopher Miller = @ChristopherJM
Modern Ukraine = @Modern_Ukraine
New Eastern Europe = @NewEastEurope
Vasyl Pawlowsky = @uamuzik
UANews4ENMedia = @UANews4ENMedia
UkeTube = @UkeTube
Ukrainian Updates = @Ukroblogger
Voice of America  = @chastime